A new report from the American Cancer Society found that despite mortality rates being down for cancer in general, both incidence and death rates for pancreatic cancer are increasing. It’s now the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Find out more about early diagnoses in Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer and Advances in Treatment.
Have you or a loved one battled cancer? Tell me what you’ve gone through at betsy@aarp.org.
Did you have the chance to read our popular article describing the #1 Exercise for Belly Fat? We asked readers to share what types of exercise they are doing in the New Year. Here are just a few of their stories.
I am a 70+ year old man and exercise pretty regularly, though not as regularly as I would like. I did read the article and guidance on the leg lifts/leg raises. I've been doing them for a few years now, and have found that they make a huge difference, not only in core strength but also in lifting or carrying heavy things, such as grandchildren. No way do I have a six pack or washboard abs, but I do feel stronger and more stable. — Jerrold Keilson
We do your exercises every morning for about an hour, and it helps us to get our day started well. My husband has suffered five strokes, and now has other health issues, so has had to modify his exercises some, but with my help, he's doing them pretty much as you prescribe. He's continuing to stay more mobile than we ever anticipated. They have helped me be strong, and able to take care of him well. —Mari Rodman