Subscribe to the AARP Livable Communities e‑Newsletter

Sign up for the free, award-winning AARP Livable Communities e‑Newsletter by completing the form below. Created for community “influencers” — elected officials, local leaders, advocates, municipal staff, placemaking professionals and interested residents — our weekly newsletter is filled with information about livability and age-friendly efforts from places near and far. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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If you wish to subscribe to the AARP Livable Communities e‑Newsletter from outside the United States, please send an email to that includes your first and last name, email address and the applicable information requested above. You will be added to the list once you receive and confirm a subscription verification email that will be sent by AARP. However, please know that due to international compliance policy, AARP cannot intentionally send subscription based email to individuals living in Canada or the European Union (EU). As a U.S.-based nonprofit organization, we have not designed our processes and policies to ensure compliance with all foreign laws, such as those governing email. We may expand or revise this policy at a future date. You can still enjoy our digital content via and download our newsletter at‑Newsletter.